Mumsnet - enriching 1PD to onboard incremental non-endemic advertisers

Luke Taplin-McCallum

April 4, 2024
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min read

Mumsnet's challenge

Mumsnet is known as the UK’s number 1 platform for parents. And so Anonymised’s challenge was how can the Anonymised Cross-Site Link enrich Mumsnet’s 1PD with cross-domain behaviours so that not just parent-related audiences can be addressed. non-endemic audiences can be built for incremental advertisers.

At the same time, much of Mumsnet is consumed across Safari, which is 100% cookieless, and with Chrome now deprecating, Mumsnet was looking for a technical partner that could help them understand and monetise audience behaviour across all browsers. 

The solution

We worked with Mumsnt to deploy the Anonymised tag across their site. In just a few months, we had mapped out over 80% of their audience with a stable identifier, giving the Mumsnet team detailed cross-domain insights on their audience.

Through Anonymised’s existing demand relationships and the Anonymised dashboard, we were able to open advertisers' eyes to the wealth of new audiences Mumsnet had to offer. We facilitated the set-up of 3 new campaigns, delivering across a variety of audiences and all browsers. 

All of this happened without disclosing any first-party data: just an aggregate, anonymised, yet accurate, representation of a segment.

The results

29% uplift in CTR vs 3PCs (comparing Anonymised targeting vs 3PC in Chrome)

4x increase in addressable reach (Anonymised were able to build and address new audiences across Safari)

3x New non-endemic advertisers (Mumsnet were able to enrich their 1PD with Cross-Site behaviour, therefore building audiences for advertisers who previously wouldn’t have delivered across Mumsnet)

Here’s what Nino Stylianou - Head of Programmatic Yield,  Mumsnet had to say

Working with Anonymised has been a great experience so far. Their platform enable us to discover our audience behaviours when they aren’t with us; revealing behaviours that we didn’t previously know were prevalent.
Their platform also enables quick and seamless activation and using Anonymised, we can bring non-endemic campaigns that previously we may not have got access to. We’re looking forward to doing more work with them!

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